Hugo Theme Reveal.js

The HTML Presentation Framework theme for Hugo

Created by Jake Howard, Hugo and Reveal.js


Code is awesome!

Large Blocks

You can do large blocks of code too

as a block

or inline

Lots of code!

{{ define "main" }}

  <div class="reveal">
    <div class="slides">
      {{ partial "slide.html" . }}

      {{ range sort .Site.Sections "Weight" "desc" }}
          {{ partial "slide.html" . }}

          {{ range sort .Pages "Weight" "desc" }}
            {{ partial "slide.html" . }}
          {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
{{ end }}


You can use fragments as shortcodes

{{% fragment %}}
Like this!
{{% fragment %}}

or inline...

{{% fragment content="line this" %}}

and use multiple

on one slide

Shuffling them around

some funny order